Wir wollen raus aus Dropbox, Google, Facebook und stattdessen auf freier Software basierende Cloud-Dienste nutzen und gemeinsam weiterentwickeln.
Digitale Subsistenz bedeutet die Unabhängigkeit von den großen Konzernen, die uns längst von Nutzer*in zum Produkt gemacht haben. Gemeinsam können wir eine faire Alternative realisieren, die auch für Nutzer*innen von älteren Geräten und Open Source Software gut funktioniert. Mit Allmenda.net betreiben wir eine solche Infrastruktur und wollen nun neue Produkte und Möglichkeiten eröffnen.
In order to tackle the multiple crises, a radical transformation of our economic system is necessary. In many places, different alternative economic models are already discussed and tried out, movements arise. On this panel, we link degrowth, solidarity economy and the work of unions. What chance do practical projects of alternative economies have in the surrounding growth economy? Does solidarity economy need macro-economic degrowth concepts in order to gain a certain stability, or are solidarity companies the answer to missing growth in the global North?
Luis Salcedo, Norbert Reuter, Janna Aljets, Moderation: Nina Treu
Encounter of free people on an equal footing with mutual sisterly/brotherly support: "How can I act in a way that all affected and involved - my own interests, the public, nature and future generations included - can live as well as possible with process and results?" Anchored as the Supreme EU Principle and measure for all supranational, national and subnational law-settings and practicies, "Solidarity Partnership" is being transformed from a voluntary attitude of cooperative people into a right.
In our workshop people ought to share the experience of foodsharing: foodsharing is a non-profit movement of people whose commitment it is to stop food waste. On the internet platform (foodsharing.de) food baskets can be offered to people who will pick them up at the given address. Foremost the platform is used as a network where hundreds of foodsharing ambassadors and thousands of foodsavers are organized in order to pick up food in 1000 businesses (shops/ cafes/reassurants/ hotels), to interact with each other, to plan actions and much more.
The International Agricultural Report of 2008 (ISTAAD) has shown again that the small-scale farmers are feeding the people and "the world". They are able to feed themselves and their villagers, and the inhabitants of their towns. In the cities with the growing unemployment of up to two thirds of the population, we face a new kind of urban agriculture.
Asmelash Dagne, Louise Duhan, Elisabeth Meyer-Renschhausen
Workshop in english and german (depends on the participants). Concepts of solidarity within indigenous groups in India (Adivasi).There are traditional forms of solidarian economy still in practisetoday aswell as changes in the process of developement. Forcedindustrialision and demand of natural ressources causes displacement andresistance, claiming the rights of land and forests. At the same timethere are many activities to strengsten the social-cultural survival ofthe Adivasi based on community.