Foodsharing - saving food

Saturday, 12.09.
1h 30min
Agriculture and Food
Community and Communication
Internet and Media

In our workshop people ought to share the experience of foodsharing: foodsharing is a non-profit movement of people whose commitment it is to stop food waste. On the internet platform ( food baskets can be offered to people who will pick them up at the given address. Foremost the platform is used as a network where hundreds of foodsharing ambassadors and thousands of foodsavers are organized in order to pick up food in 1000 businesses (shops/ cafes/reassurants/ hotels), to interact with each other, to plan actions and much more. Most important is to act completely without money. In addition to a documentary part (film, videos, radio feature ...) there will be a practical part: participants will have the possibility to experience a 'foodsaving-action' or to get to know one of our "FairDistributors": refrigerators & containers made accessible for the public serve to 'fairly distribute' the so-called saved food. If possible, there should be a process of allowing room for community networking/ mutual support with other initiatives.

Gerard Roscoe, Misler
Seit Februar 2015 bin ich für foodsharing als Berlin-Botschafter tätig. Mein besonderes Augenmerk gilt der Bildung und Stärkung der foodsharing-community. - Als Künstler bin ich an einer Sekundar-Schule im Bereich 'Kulturelle Bildung' tätig und vermittele auch hier Schüler_innen das Thema 'Lebensmittelverschwendung' und gestalte gemeinsam mit ihnen den (neuen) Schulgarten in Fachprojekten.