Young Global Advocates representing a consortium of NGOs from Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Slovenia and Spain. This workshop will offer a unique, youth based approach to campaigning for SSE with a Development education focus and using Dev Ed. methodologies. YGAs will be explaining the genesis of the original development education project and its transformation to a campaign on SSE. They will also be seeking support for their campaign to put SSE on the European political and economic agenda.
Wir möchten den Kongress zum Anlass nehmen, die internationale Leihladen-Gemeinschaft zu versammeln, um Ideen und Erfahrungen der Aktiven auszutauschen. Während der letzten Jahre haben immer mehr Leihläden eröffnet. Wir denken, dass es an der Zeit ist, uns (weiter) kennen- und von einander zu lernen!
Da wir uns gegenseitig inspirieren und helfen können, laden wir zum offenen Austausch beim gemeinsamen Frühstück ein und möchten zu folgenden beiden Themenblöcken arbeiten:
Dinge: Organisation, praktische, technische und finanzielle Fragen
In this workshop, together with the participants knowledge and expertise, we aim to explore the topics of global production, swap economy, neighbourhood work, skill sharing and value of every day materials, products and peoples work. Through the example of the Kulturlabor Trial&error eV Swap Shop in Neukölln, the challenges and opportunities of the functioning models of swap economy at the4 local level will be analysed.
As self-governing antiracist initiative of people with and without experiences of flight and racism, we are engaged in diverse
forms of solidarity-based economic activity. For many years for instance, we organised the antiracist purchase in Hennigsdorf as way of resistance
against the voucher system. Here, the discriminating vouchers could be exchanged for cash. We also organise housing, participation in the public
Small-holding farming and gardens have something in common: they feed their people. They are a self-providing or subsistance economy, but the surplus will be sold on the market to earn money. School gardens offer the children the possibility to learn in the nature, in the fresh air and working with their own hands, feeling the soil, smelling the plants. They learn how to collect water, care for the seed and the compost, in order to farm ecologically. Urban agriculture, community gardens are mostly run by groups or cooperations.
Farida Akhtar, Asmelash Dagne Dtiko, Reina Maria Rodriguez Garcia, Elisabeth Meyer-Renschhausen, Moderation: Christa Müller