World Café - Political parameters for a solidarity economy

Friday, 11.09.
1h 30min
Community and Communication
Cooperation and Self-organization
General concepts and Discourses

If solidarity economy is such a great idea, then why is its extent and scope so limited? What are the socio-technological conditions that impede its spread? Our hypothesis is: Solidarity economy is a far more evident procedure than is usually being perceived. Yet, it cannot work under currently dominant institutional set-up. After a short introduction, we will move on to collectively work on the political parameters for a solidarity economy. At four different tables, we will delve into specific topics. Following this, we will collect the results and work out some political demands and practical approaches that will favour the framework conditions for a solidarity economy.

Corinna Vosse, Andreas Siemoneit, Heike Birkhölzer, Dieter Haselbach, Severin Halder
Speakers and facilitators: Corinna Vosse (Vereinigung für Ökologische Ökonomie, Akademie für Suffizienz), Andreas Siemoneit (Vereinigung für Ökologische Ökonomie, Förderverein Wachstumswende), Heike Birkhölzer (Technologie-Netzwerk Berlin e.V.), Dieter Haselbach (Akademie für Suffienz), Severin Halder (orangotango)