The role of Solidarity Economy compared with other economies will be discussed against the background of the current crisis in Southern Europe. The discussion will focus on both new and more established initiatives and projects. It will also address the relationship of alternative approaches to the possibilities and the constraints of economic policies. A thorough presentation of Southern European Projects will take place in its own Forum and will be followed up with in-depth workshops, which in turn link into this podium.
Georgia Bekridaki, Gorka Pinillos, Prof. Skevos Papaioannou, Alexis Passadakis
This Forum will include speakers from urban initiatives, who are especially focussed on alleviating the current crisis. Also people from the rural areas who can give a model for resilient economic structures. Due to the current situation there are predominantly projects from Greece, but there will also be speakers from Spain and Portugal. There will be specific examples from the following sectors: agriculture, health, emergency help during crises and educational/culture. We will endeavor to present the networking situation.
Yiannis Barka, Joana Dias, George Ploumpidis, Gorka Pinillos, Theodore Makris
After some opening words by the organisers and a keynote by Paul Mason under the title „Capitalism is dying – What next?“, a panel discussion will engage with the role and strategic relevance of three transformational dimensions:
1.) Practice (concrete alternatives, solidarity economy) – from niched initiatives to widespread recognition
2.) Regime (economic and political structures and institutions): How can the global transformation towards an ecologically and socially just economy and politics be achieved?
Clarita Müller-Plantenberg, Josette Combes, Gabriele Wendorf, Paul Mason, Ursula Sladek, Christoph Bautz, Barbara Muraca, Moderation: Silke Helfrich
The year 2015 will be crucial to define the orientations and means of implementation of the international development agenda. What are the opportunities and challenges for Social Solidarity Economy (SSE) actors to scale up the recognition of SSE’s contribution to sustainable development?
Madani Koumaré, Yvon Poirier, Jason Nardi, Hani May, Jürgen Schwettmann, Claire des Mesnards, Moderation: Yvon Poirier
The podium theme is the Solidarity Economy movement in Brazil. The development of the Solidarity Economy in Brazil grew out of the Forum on the Solidarity Economy, as well as the necessary political frameworks via the National Secretariat of Ministry of Labour. The questions in this panel will focus on the organisational structures, networking and ability to realize and implement goals as well as political frameworks and look towards perspectives for transformation.
Annual assembly of the RIPESS Europe network. The strategy for the next three years and alliances will be discussed, as well as the activities of members and related networks. It’s open to observers. RIPESS ist the Intercontinental Network for the Promotion of Social Solidarity Economy (SSE) (with observer status at the UNCTAD).